
All-Out, All-Game Shootout™ April 13 (SAT) SW Suburbs

All-Out, All-Game Shootout™ April 13 (SAT) SW Suburbs

Apr 13, 2024
West Chicago (IL), Carol Stream (IL), Lombard (IL), Lemont (IL), Homer Glen (IL), Cicero (IL), West Chicago (IL)  West Chicago (IL), Carol Stream (IL), Lombard (IL), Lemont (IL), Homer Glen (IL), Cicero (IL), West Chicago (IL) 
Boys & Girls


ONE DAY SHOOTOUTS are youth basketball tournaments for boys and girls ages 2nd thru 12th. Travel, school and feeder basketball programs are all welcome (A & B divisions). Registration deadline is 5 days prior to the tournament. These basketball tournaments sell out very quickly! Only 8 openings in each bracket (A or B) ... first-come, first-served!

  • 2 games
  • 'A' and 'B' divisions (and C if needed)
  • Games are scheduled every other hour
  • State-of-the-art facilities
  • Beautiful full-size basketball courts
  • Great concessions, TVs and WiFi
  • All referees are state certified
  • Multiple-team discounts



One Day Shootouts

(224) 764-1329


ARC Center- [1,2,3]

201 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

Carol Stream PD - Fountain View Rec Center

910 N. Gary Avenue, Carol Stream, Illinois 60188
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

Connect Center District 44

1514 S Main St., Lombard, Illinois 60148
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Main (Court 5)

Lemont Park District (Core Building)

16028 West 127th Street, (CORE Building), Lemont, Illinois 60439
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3

MegaPlex Sports Center (MPX)

15301 South Bell Road, Homer Glen, Illinois 60491
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Court 5

Unity Junior High School (West Campus)

2151 S 54th Avenue, (USE DOOR 1 OR 6 FOR ENTRY), Cicero, Illinois 60804
Court 1, Court 2, Court 3, Court 4, Court 5, Court 6


250 West National Street, West Chicago, Illinois 60185
Court 1, Court 2

2/3rd Boys arrow_forward
Elite Hustlers 2-3rd/9U
Knocks Basketball 3rd/9U
Road 2 Greatness 2-3rd/9U
3rd Boys Blue arrow_forward
BIG3 Bonnema 3rd/9U
GSBS Black 4th/10U
Midwest Bocats 3/4 Boys White 3rd/9U
3rd Boys Red arrow_forward
Grinders 3rd/9U
OTE 3 Burgundy 3rd/9U
Road 2 Greatness 3rd/9U
3/4th Boys (3 Games) arrow_forward
Dblp Basketball LLC 4th/10U
Knocks Basketball 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Red 1 4th/10U
RTG Hawks 4th grade 3-4th/10U
TC Grizzlies 3rd/9U
4th Boys Blue arrow_forward
Aurora East Tomcats 3-4th/10U
Kingsmen Spring 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 2 4th/10U
4th Boys White arrow_forward
Midwest Lakers 4th/10U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 4th Blue 4th/10U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 4th White 4th/10U
Road 2 Greatness 4th/10U
4th Boys Red arrow_forward
BIG3 Parks Black 4th/10U
M14Hoops 4th Black 1 4th/10U
OTE 4 Burgundy 4th/10U
OTE 4 White 4th/10U
5th Boys arrow_forward
Lituanica 5 4-5th/11U
Midwest Lakers Johnson 5th/11U
Streamwood Jr. Sabres 5th/11U
5th Boys Yellow arrow_forward
GSBS White 5th/11U
HD 2031 White Spring 5th/11U
M14Hoops 5th Black 3 5th/11U
5th Boys White arrow_forward
Dragons 5-6th/12U
GSBS Blue 5th/11U
5th Boys Red arrow_forward
BIG3 Parks S/S 5th/11U
Knocks Basketball 5th/11U
Limitless 2031 Black - Raimondi 5th/11U
Midwest Lakers Reibel 5th/11U
5th Boys Black arrow_forward
M14Hoops 5th Black 1 5th/11U
MG ELITE 5th 5th/11U
RTG Hawks 5th grade 5th/11U
6th Boys arrow_forward
Dblp Basketball 5-6th/12U
Firestars 5-6th/12U
NEB 5-6th/12U
5/6th Boys arrow_forward
Aurora East Tomcats 5-6th/12U
Dblp Basketball LLC 5-6th/12U
DP Warrior Select 5-6th/12U
6th Boys Teal arrow_forward
A.B.M Black 6th/12U
BIG3 Parks S/S 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Red 2 6th/12U
6th Boys Orange arrow_forward
M14Hoops 6th Red 1 6th/12U
Midwest Bocats 6 Boys 6th/12U
Munster Red Team 6th/12U
6th Boys Blue arrow_forward
Kingsmen Spring 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Black 2 6th/12U
Team Fvv Powell 6th/12U
6th Boys White arrow_forward
Frankfort Warriors 6th/12U
GSBS Blue 6th/12U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 6th/12U
6th Boys Red arrow_forward
BIG3 Davis 6th/12U
Jr. Porters 6th/12U
Knocks Blue 6th/12U
Midwest Lakers 6th/12U
Road 2 Greatness 6th/12U
7th Boys arrow_forward
Chicago Unleashed 7th/13U
GSBS White 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 1 7th/13U
7th Boys Yellow arrow_forward
Illinois Rockers 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Red 2 7th/13U
6A-7th Boys arrow_forward
Eastside Diablos 7th/13U
M14Hoops 6th Black 1 6th/12U
Relentless 6th/12U
Willowbrook Jr. Warriors 7th/13U
7th Boys Blue arrow_forward
HD 2029 White Spring 7th/13U
Limitless 2029 White - Raimondi 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 1 7th/13U
OTE 7 White 7th/13U
7th Boys White arrow_forward
Illinois Kings 6/7 6-7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 3 7th/13U
MGELITE - Orange 7th/13U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 7th Blue 7th/13U
Road 2 Greatness 2029 Black 7th/13U
7th Boys Orange arrow_forward
BALL and CHAIN 7th/13U
DP Warrior Select 7th/13U
ILFSB 7th/13U
Road 2 Greatness 2029 Gold 7th/13U
Wolfpack 7th/13U
7th Boys Red arrow_forward
BIG3 Davis S/S 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 2 7th/13U
OTE 7 Burgundy 7th/13U
Thunder 7-8th/14U
7/8th Boys arrow_forward
HD 2028 White Spring 8th/14U
Hoops4Health 7/8 Orange West 7-8th/14U
IABC 7-8th/14U
Three Point High 7-8th/14U
7/8th Boys Red arrow_forward
Firestars 7-8th/14U
Gators 7th/13U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 2 8th/14U
8th Boys Purple arrow_forward
BIG3 Peters 8th/14U
Knocks Basketball 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 3 8th/14U
8th Boys Teal arrow_forward
Dragons 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 1 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 4 8th/14U
Midwest Bocats 7/8 Boys White 7-8th/14U
Streamwood Jr. Sabres 7-8th/14U
8th Boys Blue arrow_forward
BIG3 Coach K 8th/14U
Infinity Sports 7-8th/14U
Kingsmen Spring 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th National 1 8th/14U
8th Boys White arrow_forward
Limitless 2028 Black - Drobnik 8th/14U
Lombard Red Raiders 8th/14U
Midwest Bocats 8 Boys Black 8th/14U
Riverside Brookfield Bulldogs 8th Blue 8th/14U
Road 2 Greatness Silver 8th/14U
8th Boys Red arrow_forward
815 Ballers 8th/14U
No Limit 8-9th/15U
Road 2 Greatness White 8th/14U
8/9th Boys arrow_forward
Knights 8-9th/15U
OTE 8-9th/15U
PSA Ballers Regional 8-9th/15U
Ronnie Fields Elite Silver 9th/15U
The Knights 8-9th/15U
9th Boys White arrow_forward
BIG3 Peters 9th/15U
M14Hoops 15U Regional 2 15 & Under
Mercury Elite 15U Tiknis 9th/15U
9th Boys Red arrow_forward
Mercury Elite 15U Helwig 9th/15U
My Journey Red 9th/15U
My Journey White 9th/15U
Paradise Blue 9th/15U
HS Boys Teal arrow_forward
Illinois Drive 9th/15U
Mercury Elite 15U Lindstedt 10th/16U
Midwest Bocats HS Boys Blue 9-10th/16U
SBT BLACK 9-10th/16U
HS Boys Black arrow_forward
BGB 10TH GREY 9-10th/16U
ILFSB 9-10th/16U
M14Hoops 15U Regional 1 15 & Under
Mercury Elite 16U Pagano 10th/16U
HS Boys Purple arrow_forward
BGB 10th Gibbs 10th/16U
M14Hoops 16U Regional 1 16 & Under
Mercury Elite 16U Agomo 10th/16U
HS Boys Blue arrow_forward
ALL IN Altinay 11th/17U
Black and gold 10-11th/17U
Mercury Elite 17U Cruickshank 11th/17U
Three Point High 10-11th/17U
HS Boys White arrow_forward
Illinois Faith 10-11th/17U
Southside Shooters - Manning 11th/17U
Thunderbird Elite 11th/17U
HS Boys Red arrow_forward
ILFSB 11-12th/18U
Illinois Faith 11-12th/18U
SBT BLACK 11-12th/18U
Southside Shooters - Lehnerer 11-12th/18U
4th Girls arrow_forward
GSBS Blue 4th/10U
IL Defenders Mary Kate 4th/10U
Lady HD 2032 Spring 4th/10U
Midwest Bobcats 3/4 Girls 3-4th/10U
4th Girls White arrow_forward
BIG3 Alina 4th/10U
OMG Green Spring 4th/10U
Team MC Combo 4th/10U
4th Girls Red arrow_forward
Fox Valley Force 4-5th/11U
Midwest Express 4-5th/11U
OMG Blue Spring 4-5th/11U
OTE 4 Burgundy 4th/10U
OTE 4 White 4th/10U
5th Girls arrow_forward
Knocks Basketball 4-5th/11U
OMG White Spring 5th/11U
Slam City Elite 5th/11U
The Knights - Team White 5th/11U
5th Girls Red arrow_forward
IL Defenders Olivia 5th/11U
M14Hoops 4th Black 1 4th/10U
M14Hoops 5th Black 2 5th/11U
Midwest Bobcats 5 Girls Blue 5th/11U
Park Ridge Elite 5th/11U
5/6th Girls Blue arrow_forward
ALL IN Blagojevich/Williams 6th/12U
Dragons 5-6th/12U
Illinois Diamonds 5-6th/12U
Southside Shooters Ferg 5-6th/12U
5/6th Girls Red arrow_forward
M14Hoops 5th Black 1 5th/11U
MY Journey 5-6th/12U
OMG Red Spring 5-6th/12U
The Knights - Team Purple 5-6th/12U
6th Girls Blue arrow_forward
ALL IN Forrester 6th/12U
Huntley Red Raiders 5-6th/12U
IL Defenders Rushton 6th/12U
6th Girls Purple arrow_forward
M14Hoops 6th Black 1 6th/12U
Team MC Maroon 6th/12U
X-CITEMENT 4-6th 5-6th/12U
6th Girls White arrow_forward
City Elite Rise 6th/12U
Knocks Basketball 6th/12U
Midwest Bocats 6 Girls Black 6th/12U
MY Journey 6th/12U
6th Girls Red arrow_forward
Angels Basketball 6th/12U
Gators 6th/12U
Limitless 2030 Black - Wells 6th/12U
M14Hoops 6th Rising 3SSB 6th/12U
OTE 6 White 6th/12U
7th Girls arrow_forward
BIG3 Diellza 7th/13U
LL Columbia SS 7 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 2 7th/13U
OMG Gold Spring 6-7th/13U
The Knights - Team Black 7th/13U
7th Girls White arrow_forward
LockDown YATES 7-8th/14U
OTE 7 White 7th/13U
Schaefer 7th/13U
7th Girls Red arrow_forward
Limitless 2029 Black - Squaglia 7th/13U
LL ELite SS 7 7th/13U
M14Hoops 7th Black 1 7th/13U
7/8th Girls White arrow_forward
Lady Bombers 8th/14U
M14Hoops 7th Rising 3SSB 7th/13U
MY Journey 7-8th/14U
The Knights - Team Gold 7-8th/14U
7/8th Girls Red arrow_forward
Lady HD 2028 White Spring 8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 2 8th/14U
Midwest Bocats 7/8 Girls 7-8th/14U
OMG Maroon Spring 7-8th/14U
8th Girls Red arrow_forward
City Elite Havoc 7th/13U
M14Hoops 8th Regional 1 8th/14U
Midwest Express 7-8th/14U
8th Girls Black arrow_forward
Angels Basketball 7-8th/14U
M14Hoops 8th Rising 3SSB 8th/14U
MY Journey 8th/14U
8A-9th Girls arrow_forward
Heart of Illinois Bloomington 14 & Under
M14Hoops 15U Regional 2 15 & Under
M14Hoops 8th National 1 8th/14U
Midwest Bocats HS Girls White 9th/15U
9th Girls Red arrow_forward
M14Hoops 15U Regional 1 15 & Under
Midwest Express 8-9th/15U
No Mercy Rebels 15u 9th/15U
HS Girls Blue arrow_forward
Chicago Hoops 9th/10th 9-10th/16U
Lady Beyond Athletics 15U 9th/15U
LockDown JNIEGO 10th/16U
HS Girls White arrow_forward
Illinois Drive Ladies 10-11th/17U
No Mercy ICE 10-11th/17U
Park Ridge Elite 9-10th/16U
HS Girls Red arrow_forward
Chicago Hoops Myk 11-12th/18U
M14Hoops 16U Regional 1 16 & Under
OTE 11 11-12th/18U
[# pool.fullLabel #]
[# if (hasPoolGames) #]
[# pool.hasPoolGames ? `
` : '' #]
[# endif #] [# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team', { team })).join(''); #]
[# pool.teams.map(team => dfGetTemplate('pool-team-mobile', { team })).join(''); #]
[# team.schedule_name #] [# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]
[# team.schedule_name #]
[# if (pool.hasPoolGames) #]
[# team.stats?.event?.win || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.lose || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pd || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.pa || '0' #]
[# team.stats?.event?.ps || '0' #]
[# team.stats.pool_place_formatted || '-' #]
[# endif #]

[# venue.name #] ([# venue.abbreviation #])

[# venue.streetAddress ? venue.streetAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.extendedAddress ? venue.extendedAddress + ',' : '' #] [# venue.city ? venue.city + ',' : '' #] [# venue.state.name ? venue.state.name + ' ' : '' #] [# venue.postalCode ? venue.postalCode : '' #]
[# game.formattedTime #],
[# game.location_name #]
([# game.court_name #])
[# game.teamA.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamAScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamAScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamA.season_win #] - [# game.teamA.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# game.teamB.schedule_name #]
[# if (game.teamBScore !== null) #]
[# game.teamBScore #]
[# else #]
[# game.teamB.season_win #] - [# game.teamB.season_lose #]
[# endif #]
[# if (game.forfeitTeamA || game.forfeitTeamB) #]
[# else #] [# game.final ? '
' : '' #] [# endif #]
[# game.formattedDay #]
[# game.formattedDate #]
[# if (game.calendarEvent) #] [# endif #]


[# if (pools.length) #]


[# pools.map(pool => dfGetTemplate('pool', { pool, hasPoolGames })).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.venueIds.length) #]


[# division.venueIds.map(function (venueId) { var currentVenue; event.venues.map(function (venue) { if (venue.id === venueId) { currentVenue = venue; } }); return dfGetTemplate('venue', { venue: currentVenue }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# division.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (division.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]

[# if (team.name) #][# team.team.name #][# endif #]

[# if (team.division.name) #][# team.division.name #][# endif #]
[# if (team.games.length) #]

Games ([# event.gamesTimeRange #])

[# team.games.map(function(game) { return dfGetTemplate('game', { game: game }); }).join(''); #]
[# endif #] [# if (team.division.useBracket) #]
[# endif #]